All about sex

Do you want glowing skin? Sex is the solution!

Sex improves the appearance of the skin, the skin in general, is the conclusion of dermatologists in Boston.  The heart speeds up during sex, which leads to improved circulation. The blood is pumped efficiently th . . .
Admin, 2 years ago

Erotic dreams and their significance

Breasts - the desire to be pampered and loved, the addiction of parents, the invasion of privacy or the fear of becoming a parent.   - Vagina - unexplored aspects of your feminine side, but also sexual needs. &n . . .
Admin, 2 years ago

Victim or aggressor?

We often hear people complaining that they are the victims of their partners or even the relationship they belong to.  "I endured," "I humbled myself," "I swallowed," "I let go," "I did everything to be well," and t . . .
Admin, 2 years ago

Vibrators - the secret of happy women

 If Fat-Frumos is late to appear, don't despair!  Until the dream man appears, console yourself with a vibrator.   Large, simple, short, thick, transparent, colorful, with or without spikes, the vibrato . . .
Admin, 2 years ago

Categories of vibrators

As I said before, vibrators fall into many, many categories.  Among the most important and most sought after are:   1. The first category is that of mini-vibrators.  These vibrators can be up to 14 cm a . . .
Admin, 2 years ago

Sex life after birth

You became a mother.  Things seem to be going well in the family, but in the bedroom, misunderstandings arise.  How to get back to the situation before birth?  Here are some ideas.   Do not exasper . . .
Admin, 2 years ago


Men have erectile dysfunction for a variety of physiological and psychological reasons.  For those with erectile dysfunction there are three types of oral treatments: Viagra, Levitra and Cialis.   Viagra is . . .
Admin, 2 years ago

The ages of a woman's love

 It is said that 20 years is the age of love.  But in fact, love is a permanence in our lives.  We fall in love and love at any age.   But, at 40, do we love as much as we do at 18?  Why, at s . . .
Admin, 2 years ago

Love at the age of 30

This period of a woman's life is characterized by emotional stability.  At the height of femininity, desires are more clearly ranked.   We need the emotional support of our partner, respect and loyalty.&nbsp . . .
Admin, 2 years ago

The vagina, an unsuspected source of ... electricity

 A group of Egyptian researchers have made a very strange discovery, namely that the vagina produces electricity.  They performed an electrovaginogram after accidentally finding out about this property of the v . . .
Admin, 2 years ago

Belly men are the best in bed

A recent study at Erciyes University in Kayseri, Turkey, showed that overweight men are slightly more resilient in bed than thin men.   According to research, men who have a regular exercise program and go to the . . .
Admin, 2 years ago

What should you say to a naked man?

Surely all women know that their mouth is a powerful tool when it comes to arousing their partner.  But we can be sure that the following never said ...   Men always complain that they would like their partn . . .
Admin, 2 years ago

The muscle of love

Do you think there is a connection between sports and sexuality?  If you are in good physical condition, do you think you can have a better sex life?  Definitely the answer is YES!  There are many connecti . . .
Admin, 2 years ago

Questions you don't have the courage to ask your gynecologist

When it comes to sexual health, many women realize that they don't know them all.  The person with whom a woman can talk openly about any sexual and health issues should be a gynecologist.  But there are also p . . .
Admin, 2 years ago

What can I do to get rid of the uncomfortable symptoms of urinary tract infection and what steps can I take to prevent it?

If you experience symptoms such as frequent urination, lower abdominal pain, the most common symptoms of a urinary tract infection.  To prevent this, you should drink as much fluids as possible.  High fluid int . . .
Admin, 2 years ago

Heels and sex

Heels and sex Heels are very useful!  Women who wear heels feel more pleasure when they have sex and reach orgasm faster, recently demonstrated the Italian urologist Maria Angela Cerruto.   High-heeled shoes . . .
Admin, 2 years ago

More than half of women are sexually attracted to other women

A recent study revealed an interesting aspect of women's sex life.  It seems that more than half of women feel sexually attracted to people of the same sex.   The results of the study speak for themselves: 6 . . .
Admin, 2 years ago

How do you know if a woman is good in bed?

The idea of ​​"good in bed" differs depending on the personal experience of each of us, man or woman.  Moreover, men have varied and very interesting opinions about a woman's skill during sex.  However, we . . .
Admin, 2 years ago

Early menstruation, depression in adolescence!

Early menstruation is a common problem among young teenagers today.   Civilization, poor nutrition and hormonal disorders are the most important factors that cause premature menstruation and forced maturation of . . .
Admin, 2 years ago

10 steps to help you figure out if you're gay

In the past, homosexuality was considered against human nature. Although not much has changed to this day, there is still a straightening of conceptions of people who are attracted to same-sex individuals.   For . . .
Admin, 2 years ago

The best masturbation methods

From ancient times the masturbation was the main way in which man came to know his body.   Although at first it was perceived as a "shameful action", today, with the evolution of humanity, technology, but also me . . .
Admin, 2 years ago

Masturbation techniques for men

The use of a pillow, as a prelude method, is often found in beginners.  Rubbing the penis with pillows or silky materials makes it possible to stimulate copulation.  Whether they imagine having sex with a pillo . . .
Admin, 2 years ago

Should young people have sexual experiences with older women?

Many people believe that a young person has many advantages if he has sexual experiences with a woman at least 10 years older than him.   And if we take into account the fact that there are many historical storie . . .
Admin, 2 years ago

The Most Important Things Teenagers Should Know About Sex

For a teenager, just thinking about sex is overwhelming.  There are so many sex-related things a teenager can think of, so many things to fear, and so many things that can go wrong.   Whether you are sexuall . . .
Admin, 2 years ago

Things you should know when you want to have sex:

If you do not want to become pregnant (and you should not want this at the age of adolescence), contraceptive methods are not optional, they are mandatory • • The only protection against STDs is the condom, . . .
Admin, 2 years ago

Get rid of jealousy!

Jealousy is a perfectly normal behavior that both men and women show when they are in a relationship.  Scenes of jealousy usually lead to a broken relationship between the two, even if neither of them wanted to. &n . . .
Admin, 2 years ago

How do you do with your boyfriend's best friend?

Your boyfriend has a very good girlfriend, most likely they have known each other since childhood, but you are very upset when you see them talking or laughing together or when he says things to them that they would neve . . .
Admin, 2 years ago

How do you know he wants to leave you?

Men are more reserved when it comes to "slippers".  However, if he feels that the relationship between you is not on an ascending plane, it is clear that neither of them will stop to think and will say goodbye to yo . . .
Admin, 2 years ago

Why is he cheating on women?

Many men wonder what is the main reason why women cheat.   A recent study showed that men do this because they are not emotionally satisfied.  So what's the reason for women?   The fairer sex is not . . .
Admin, 2 years ago

Communication with your partner

Very often, within a couple, difficulties appear due to poor communication.  Even if they hear each other, the partners do not listen to each other.   This is the main ingredient of love failures.  The . . .
Admin, 2 years ago

Five mistakes men make in relationships

Every relationship is special, because every individual is unique.  However, we can identify some common lines that lead to the failure of many relationships.  Although most of the time both partners are to bla . . .
Admin, 2 years ago

Seemingly innocent but extremely sexy gestures for men

There are times when innocent gestures can make men immediately think about sex, which can be used by women to their advantage.  Here are seven gestures that ignite men's minds and can be used both with your partner . . .
Admin, 2 years ago

Flirting tactics that men love

Have you set your eyes on a man and want him to be yours?  Here are some ideas to help you get the most out of it.   Take him by the arm and tell him something! Take him by the arm and tell him everythin . . .
Admin, 2 years ago

When to have sex with your new boyfriend

You broke up with your boyfriend and for a while you were alone, but now you have found a new partner and you want to move on to the next step.  Find out how to act if you want him in your bed, how fast to give in a . . .
Admin, 2 years ago

Sexuality and its limits

Numerous studies by Canadian or British specialists show that there are still limits to thinking when it comes to sex and the standards imposed by both sexes.  We show you some of these and we are waiting for you to . . .
Admin, 2 years ago

10 ridiculous lines with which men leave their girlfriends

When it comes to separations, things are quite complicated because there is no clear barrier between things that can and cannot be done. It all depends on the case, depending on the people involved.  However, th . . .
Admin, 2 years ago