If you want to have a woman for a long time, you have to earn her respect

Admin, 1 year ago
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If you want to have a woman for a long time, you must earn her respect, arouse her feelings of admiration, and only then will she submit to you. And he will do it casually, with confidence. They will all jump like a fire when they hear about submissive, but they will do it because they had the bad experience of sitting under incapable, immature and often lower level men. And they know this, they know that they would really like to listen to a man without drastic consequences on their confidence, on their career. Well, the poor dream of the one who can afford it and whom they can allow to enter their lives completely. Before, the man knew what was best for the woman, because the woman didn't have the right to have life experience and somehow many times, as primitive as it was, he really knew what was best for her. In the meantime, ours woke up, tasted both that and the other, now it takes care of itself, but it's not as if hundreds and hundreds of years can be erased in a century. Now she realized since the roles were reversed that it is better to make her own decisions and manage her own life, she adapted, but the desire remains there, repressed, but remains. The desire to submit to a man, one better than her. Perhaps many of their failures in relationships come from the fact that they let nature come to the surface, the woman's nature to submit to the man, the bad luck was that they didn't really have a nail.


The woman's respect and admiration for the man next to her will be much stronger in front of any other man, no matter how much he offers. Otherwise, it will be a relationship based strictly on sexual and - when there is time - emotional needs.


Today's woman is no longer impressed by flowers and gifts. These are no longer pluses. You know, it's like in advertising, if you do certain things (which used to be a plus) you don't have an advantage, but you have a minus if you don't do them. She will be impressed if she sees that next to you she can build more than she already does, gifts and flowers are normal. If he sees in you qualities to admire - ambition, determination, initiative, action - if he sees achievements in you, then he will respect you. Now we no longer choose husbands to be among the world, there is no longer the world - we are also single, we are well married and divorced, and we can also raise children. This kind of woman does not get involved with men who eat up her time and energy, because since she learned to manage on her own, to love herself, to have success and achievements, she calculates her invested time well. If he has already made a mistake before you, you must be sure that he has standards. We want men with whom we can evolve, who stimulate us to evolve, not who confuse us. No one wants to ride with the handbrake on, no one wants unnecessary burdens.


Those to whom women submit are those who do not demand submission and even less impose it. It's almost the same as in a group of men you have to earn your place, you don't do it by asking for it verbally, because you're a bit stupid, you'll be the boy who goes to buy cigarettes for the group. You prove that you deserve to be part of their group. It's the same with the woman.


And how to do that, you will ask yourself. Well, first of all, think of her as an "opponent" of your level. If cheap charms don't work for you, don't offend her either. Further, give him time and space, do not enter more than he allows. And if you want her respect, don't turn into a desperate person who would do anything to get it. It's the thing that causes the greatest repulsion, you'll be that guy who carries the fishnets and goes for cigarettes while she's being held in the socket by one who knows how to take the initiative, but also let her ask.



Below I will make a list of what kind of men we do NOT like (at least most of us). So we don't like men:




- who talk more than they do






-who doesn't take responsibility for any shitty mistake he makes.


-who sleep on them, brother, the man must be active


-which impresses in the hope that it impresses you. You are fake and it shows. It sucks to always talk about how cool you are and point out what great things you are doing. Usually the achievements are seen, when you tour unasked about it, it squeaks. Don't worry, we'll take you down anyway and we'll ask you at the right time.


-who make bad jokes to impress us. Mystery, it's ok not to be funny, if you're not, don't force it. Really, leave it. In general, it annoys us when you force it with impressions when you want to appear to be something you are not. It's a big turn off. Impress us with sincerity, but I wrote about this with the impressed in the book.


-which blows in the back of our necks. What are you doing? Where are you going? I'm going to pee, this is after I take out my ob and then I'll wipe that painting off the floor in your bathroom with a piece of paper - if you're lucky and it didn't fall on the lid. No, ask again.


who lie to them. We generally run away from them eating the earth, because they are very dangerous in their parallel reality and you cannot trust a man who lies on them. I mean, this is the maximum of theft, to steal by yourself and to convince yourself that you are not doing it. I don't care what goals and targets you have in life, you don't have to give me explanations, but if you talk to me about the fact that you want to do x thing and that you're going to do this, this and that, I'll leave you for a few months , but if I see you eat shit and do it the other way around, you're bye. Sorry, I was talking about determined and determined men, I can't stand pushing you from behind. Ah, because you ask for my help and I can have an influence, I agree, but if I sit like this and look at you and see that you say one thing and do another, you're bye. At least he doesn't say it anymore.


- who complain a lot. The country, the system, the weather, women, everything goes wrong and the apocalypse comes. Yes, I'm going to have a baby with this guy!


- which are useless. You do just as well without them. The same way you are with a fallen chandelier, the same way you are with a car breakdown, the same way someone swears at you on the street quietly when you are holding his hand. You can just as well pay someone to shoot it for you and you don't owe them anything extra, they don't ask you, they don't bother you.


We generally like men who are better than us and respect those who are not like the above. If I left something off the list, feel free to fill it in.


Don't forget that there are two options: either you are respected, or you are taken by the lackey. It's the same with the woman.

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